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Facts and Figures

Creative Industries: Economic Driver for Hong Kong
Fast-growing at 3.9% per annum
Creative industries highlight the humanity features of people in Hong Kong where the cultures of East and West meet, making Hong Kong an even more attractive international city and giving new energy to our diversified economy. Hong Kong’s creative industries comprise advertising, architecture, design, digital entertainment, film, music, printing and publishing, and television. According to the latest statistics, Hong Kong has around 29 890 creative industries-related establishments, with about 130 770 practitioners engaged. These creative industries-related establishments generated about HK$62.4 billion of economic contribution (in terms of value-added), accounting for around 2.3% of the Hong Kong’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Value Added
Creative industries-related goods
Future of Creativity

Looking into the future, creative industries will further embrace digitalisation. Increasing cross-sector collaboration not only among various creative sectors, but also between creative industries and other industries is expected, which will foster the development of creative economy. With unique creative power, global perspectives, mastery of Eastern and Western cultures and good grasp of business opportunities of the Mainland market, Hong Kong’s creative talent are capable of continuously promoting Hong Kong as Asia’s creative capital.